The success of any project begins at the conceptual stage of the design. Most of the important decisions are made early on during the design process, prior to the start of construction. Many common problems with any project, such as cost overrun and constructability issues, could be easily avoided with an effective pre-construction effort. Successful pre-construction can only be attained with the help of experienced firms and individuals that can offer these services. WM2S is very familiar with the importance of reliable pre-construction services in the overall success of the project. We are a firm with long and solid experience in providing Construction and Pre-construction management services. These services include:

  • Estimating: Accurate budgeting at all levels of the design - from conceptual to detailed costing - for all aspects of the project; architectural, structural, civil, mechanical and electrical. Continuous monitoring of the budget is essential in the volatile construction market. By performing multiple estimates during the various design phases, we can minimize unpredictable cost overrun and make any necessary corrections to bring the project back under budget.

  • Value engineering studies: With a value engineering study, the owner and the design team will have a list of options to make smart and cost effective decisions. By providing creative ideas, alternate construction materials, structural systems, and methods to do the work, we can achieve a substantial reduction in cost without compromising the design or function of the project. We offer a great track record in providing such creative solutions.

  • Life Cycle Cost Analysis: Most projects have more than one option or alternate methods of achieving the required function or goal. To accurately access the value of these options, the overall cost of the project should be considered. In addition of the initial construction cost, the total cost of the project should include the cost of operation, energy use, maintenance, and non monetary costs and benefits play a big role in making selecting the right option. It may surprising to know that the initial construction cost is actually small compared the total life cycle cost. Calculating the total life cycle cost of a project is a collaborative effort that involves the owner, design and the construction teams. WM2S, Inc. has lead this effort and prepared many valuable studies that helped in making the right decision. We have well established methodologies and templates to perform an accurate and reliable LCCA.

  • Constructability/Plans Review: An accurate set of construction documents (plans and specification) is key to a smooth building process. The construction documents are the language by which the design is conveyed to the trade contractors and workers in the field. When an inaccurate or inconsistent document is used to construct the project, conflicts will create high costs and schedule impacts that can be easily avoided with the constructability review process.

  •  Building Information Modeling: BIM is the collaborative process between designers, consultants and builders. It utilizes 5D design platforms that incorporates “intelligent” building data including 3D special information, descriptive information (specs), time information (schedule) and cost data. BIM also helps discover and avoid design conflicts and inconsistencies by performing a Clash Detection process on building elements (Clashes between structural steel and mechanical duct for example). In other words, it is a virtual representation to the complete design and building process. We collaborate with the design team to create an "intelligent" virtual model of the project. This model is a very realistic representation of project. This allows the creation of up-to-date cost reports and 4D simulations of the construction process. The model is built using commercial software such as Navisworks Revit and Constructor.
  • Bidding and Negotiation Phase: During the bidding phase we can assist in:
  • Developing a tight and clearly understandable construction contract to minimize change orders
  • Review bidding documents prior to issue. Interview bidding contractors
  • Provide the client with the pre-qualification of the contractors
  • Arrange a project site walk-through as part of the contractor's pre-bid conference
  • Solicit comments from all bidders regarding areas of concern, omission, or ambiguity in the contract documents identified during bidding
  • Bid Analysis Stage:
  • Continue to qualify contractors/ sub-contractors
  • Assess value-engineering opportunities solicited from bidders
  • Refine the project budget and schedule
  • Refine the project's cash flow projections for the clients.
  • Evaluate the bids and prepare a bid comparison matrix of the contractor’s bids
  • Negotiate final contract language with the contractor